
Research findings – The PULSES trial

Research findings – The PULSES trial

Ultradian hydrocortisone replacement alters neuronal processing, emotional ambiguity, affect and fatigue in adrenal insufficiency: The PULSES trial First published - 19 October 2023 "The PULSES study has shown that the pattern of cortisol presentation, even at an...

New page launched – Life with CAH

New page launched – Life with CAH

We're pleased to announce the launch of a new page - "Life with CAH". Here you can find all sorts of information and ideas about living with CAH - whether you have the condition yourself, or know or care for someone else who does. We've included three key sections -...

Education & Social event – Sunday 1st October 2023, Coventry UK

Education & Social event – Sunday 1st October 2023, Coventry UK

The CAH Support Group are running an educational/social day at Coventry University (UK) on Sunday 1st October 2023, which will run from 11am – 4pm. The meeting will primarily be of interest to parents of children with CAH, although everyone with an interest in CAH...

CAH patient’s survey from CAH International

CAH patient’s survey from CAH International

Last year, CAH International held a first joint kick-off, on the basis of which working groups for research, surgery and standard of care were also formed. The Standard of Care Working Group are mainly concerned with the issue of care at the moment. In order to learn...

Smaller dose Hydrocortisone tablets now available

Smaller dose Hydrocortisone tablets now available

Credit to the Addison's Self-Help Group : "Following years of hard work with Professor Karim Meeran, Endocrinologist at Imperial College, London, Genesis Pharmaceuticals have launched new doses of Hydrocortisone instant release tablets, including lower strengths 2.5mg...

Annual General Meeting – 15th October, 2pm UK time via MS Teams

Annual General Meeting – 15th October, 2pm UK time via MS Teams

The CAH Support Group is pleased to announce its 4th Annual General Meeting (AGM). It will be held virtually, via MS Teams, on 15th October 2022 at 2pm UK time. If you'd like to see the agenda and/or attend, please contact Sallyann (her details are on the ‘Meet the...

Article: Health Status of Children & Young People With CAH In The UK

Article: Health Status of Children & Young People With CAH In The UK

A recently published reseach paper "Health Status of Children and Young Persons with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia in the UK (CAH-UK): a cross-sectional multi-centre study" in the in European Journal of Endocrinology concludes that '(there is) an increased prevalence...

Reprofutures Research Project – Material now available

Reprofutures Research Project – Material now available

Reprofutures is a co-created research project which took place from 2019-2022. Its objective was to understand what kinds of support that adults with variations in sex characteristics (VSCs) would like to receive with issues relating to reproduction, fertility,...

The CAH Support Group is affiliated with Society for Endocrinology, an organisation that supports clinicians, scientists and nurses who work with hormones throughout their careers. They engage policy-makers, journalists, patients and the public with hormone science to encourage informed health decisions, and to demonstrate the value of endocrinology to the wider world and also maintains a public information website, You and Your Hormones.

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The CAH Support Group cannot be held responsible for the content provided by any external links unless stated.

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